Indemnity Form & Terms

This indemnity serves as a comprehensive release and indemnity in terms of which
the PARTICIPANT/GUEST declares as follows:
  1. I, the PARTICIPANT/GUEST, am completely aware of the risk involved in visiting or using the facilities of Perivoli Lagoon House and, in particular, participation in any of the activities offered at Perivoli Lagoon House with specific reference to, but not limited to the use and/or participation of the following activities:

    1.1 Kayaking; boating; swimming in pools; swimming in the lagoon.
    1.2 Hiking, walking tours and tours in vehicles, guided as well as unguided;
    1.3 Nature-based tours, including but not limited to Perivoli and Walker Bay Reserve and/or beach;
    1.4 Attendance and utility of any of the facilities that I may engage in during my stay or participation at Perivoli Lagoon House

  2. I, the PARTICIPANT/GUEST, undertake to abide by all rules and to adhere to all safety requirements presented to me and/or noted on property signage in respect of every particular activity that I may partake in, including but not limited to:

    2.1 Life jackets are to be worn at all times when in kayaks. Children 12 years of age and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
    2.2. Life jackets are to be worn at all times by non-swimmers and all persons under 16 years of age when on a boat.
    2.3 Swimming in the pool & lagoon is at your own risk. Children 12 and under must have parental supervision.
    2.4 No diving is allowed into the pools or any jetty or boat.
    2.5 Children 12 and under are to be supervised by parents/adults at all times.
    2.6 No children under the age of 12 are allowed in the gym

  3. I, the PARTICIPANT/GUEST, understand and accept that intense physical exertion may occur during some of the activities, and I further warrant that I (including a minor child) have no medical or mental condition or complaints that in any way may endanger me or others during or after participation in the activities or use of Perivoli Lagoon House facilities.

  4. I, the PARTICIPANT/GUEST, with this release and indemnify the PROPRIETOR against any actions, claims of whatever nature that may arise as a result of participation in any activities, staying at or visiting Perivoli Lagoon House, including but not limited to injury, death, loss or damage of any kind, whether arising from the PROPRIETOR’S default, negligence or otherwise.

  5. This indemnity includes but is not limited to all claims or causes of action, damages, costs, loss of services, expenses, attorneys’ fees, and compensation of any nature whatsoever, and/or in any way resulting from that, which may result in the future.

  6. This indemnity shall be valid for the entire duration of participation or period of accommodation at any time. It shall be valid in respect of all activities undertaken by the PARTICIPANT/GUEST.

Please complete the form below:

(All adult participants in personal capacity sign this indemnity, and on behalf of minor children permitted/enrolled by the adult, hereafter referred to as the PARTICIPANT/GUEST. The PROPRIETOR includes Perivoli Properties (Africa) Ltd Trustees, successors, representatives, agents, employees, activity operators and/or volunteers.)

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Minimum 2 nights Valid 01 April to 31 May.

Experience the perfect luxury escape by booking self catering or fully catered accommodation at Perivoli Lagoon House on the celebrated Whale Coast , you can enjoy a private setting, while having the freedom to come and go at any hour of the day or night.